Unbeaten, a documentary from Steven C. Barber and Tamara Henry, award-winning filmmakers, is a story that follows 31 paraplegics as they make their way through the toughest six day road race in the world for wheelchairs and handcycles. The 267 mile course runs through the mountains of Denali National Park, Alaska. With a midway transition, filmmakers follow two elite racers, Oscar ‘Oz” Sanchez and Alejandro Albor, in their pursuit of the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. The following is a collection of spoken reviews about the documentary.
“Steven Barber did a remarkable job of following these paraplegic athletes for six days as they took on what is called the most difficult race in the world. It’s Sadler’s Alaska Challenge, and the athletes are nothing short of remarkable. They’re passionate; they get exhausted, they get exhilarated. It’s a wonderful and incredible journey for them going up to Alaska, their training prior to Alaska, and then after Alaska, following two athletes in particular, as they go to Beijing for the Paralympics games. Oz Sanchez wins the gold medal, and Alejandro Arbor wins the bronze medal in the hand cycling competition.”
“I was just blown away. I thought I was going to see a little 30 minute, you know, inspirational movie. Well I looked, and it was an hour and a half later, and I had just been so completely taken by the whole thing. It was absolutely such a testimony to the human spirit, to what we can accomplish. The athletes were just amazing, and they were amazing because they were just people and it showed that. And the professionalism, the way it was done, was just so awesome. Absolutely wonderful, I want to send it to everyone I know.”
“It was inspiring, absolutely inspiring, what the human spirit, the human mind, is to this day. It still baffles me how incredible we can rise to our occasions.”
“The documentary was so moving for me on so many different levels. I went through crying and laughter and feeling such deep emotion about the trials and tribulations that these people went through.”
“Unbeaten was amazing! It’s interesting to see not just that the triumphs overcoming their physical universities in life but also how along with going for that goal life still has its challenges along the way as well and how to overcome all those hurdles together and make it to the very end to still reach your goal and always keep that in your sight. It was just amazing and very inspirational for me. It was incredible.”
To watch the full video of the Unbeaten review, please visit Shane Krider’s YouTube channel.
Shane Krider is a successful personal development life coach, producer, speaker, author and entrepreneur. Along with his wife, Shane is the co-host of Born to Prosper’s Mind Power, which is a self-help podcast which challenges its listeners to delve deep into their minds to find success. In addition, Shane travels the world in luxury to speak to aspiring entrepreneurs at conferences and workshops to inspire them to find their own pathways to success. Shane Krider is part of The Prosperity of Life Network, a United States-based personal development business with a presence in 52+ countries.